Common Childhood Illnesses

Common Childhood Illnesses

By Marcos Otero

School has been in session two month for most of us. Children go to school and are common childhood illnesses and exposed to multiple diseases. It seems like it is a never-ending battle. Now that fall is here and winter on the way it will just seem to get worse. The following a few of the most Common Childhood Illnesses children get at school.

Common Cold – Common Childhood Illnesses


Expect up to five to eight episodes every year.

Treat a mild fever, congestion, coughing, and a sore throat with lots of fluids and rest. If your child seems uncomfortable, children’s ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce the fever. Follow directions carefully but do not use cough and cold medicines, as these do not work. It is a viral infection and Antibiotics do not work either. Use saline drops or spray to moisturize your child’s nasal passageways and an aspirator to remove excess mucus. Most kids improve from a cold within five to seven days.

Gastroenteritis -Common Childhood Illnesses


This illness causes vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. A variety of viruses can cause gastroenteritis. Most stomach viruses clear up within a few days to a week and require nothing more than rest and hydration. You should make sure your child is drinking enough fluids to prevent dehydration. Start with just a tablespoon of an electrolyte solution (such as Pedialyte) or water every 15 minutes and slowly increase the amount. Once they feel like eating, offer her small amounts of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast (the BRAT diet). If they keeps these down, slowly return them to regular meals.

Pinkeye – Common Childhood Illnesses


Beware: It can spread through your household quickly.

This inflammation of the tissue lining the eyelids (also called conjunctivitis) causes redness, yellowish discharge, blurry vision, and crusty eyes. Your child should not return to class until he has been treated for at least 24 hours. Have him wash his hands regularly and avoid touching his eyes and sharing hand towels, blankets, or pillows so he does not infect anyone else in your home.

Pinworms – Common Childhood Illnesses


See your doctor if you notice your kid scratching her bottom.

Blame kids’ poor hygiene for the prevalence of these tiny parasites. When an infected child scratches her bottom and does not clean her hands, she can easily pass them on to other kids (who are infected when they put their hands in their mouth). The eggs move down the digestive system, hatch, and lay their eggs around the anus. These are easily treated with medication but you will have to wash her towels and bedding in hot water.

 When to Call the Doctor

Most childhood illnesses run their course without any big worries. However, for some symptoms (and for certain kids) they may warrant a consultation with your pediatrician. Watch for:

Dehydration. Your child may have sunken eyes or seem extremely lethargic, or his mouth might be sticky or tacky to the touch. Also, beware if he is urinating fewer than three or four times a day.

High fever. In newborns, any elevated temperature warrants a call. For infants 3 to 6 months old, phone if the fever hits 101℉; for older babies and children, the threshold is 103℉.

Breathing difficulty. Phone right away, if your child is wheezing, his breathing is fast or labored or you notice long pauses between each breath.

Not eating. It is normal for a sick child to have little interest in food. However, if your kid is eating or drinking less than half of what she normally would for two days or longer, check in with your doctor.

Preexisting conditions. If your child has been diagnosed with asthma, diabetes, a suppressed immune system, or another chronic medical condition, speak to your pediatrician every time he comes down with a virus that could compromise his health.


All of these can be prevented with good handwashing.


Handwashing involves five simple and effective steps (Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry) you can take to reduce the spread of diarrheal and respiratory illness so you can stay healthy. Regular handwashing, particularly before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. It is quick, it is simple, and it can keep us all from getting sick.

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Marcos Otero

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