El Rincón de Jaime – Jimmy’s Corner

El Rincón de Jaime – Jimmy’s Corner

Dawn Adolfson – [email protected]

Who is Santa Claus? ¿Quién es Santa Claus?
The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back to Saint Nicholas who was born around 280 AD in Turkey. He was a wealthy man and helped many poor and sick people. One story says he helped three poor girls from being sold into slavery by providing their dowry so that they could be married. Today, Santa Claus is said to visit all good children on the night of Christmas to give them gifts. Santa rides a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer.


La leyenda de Santa Claus se remonta a San Nicolás que nació alrededor de 280 D.C. en Turquía. Él era un hombre rico y ayudaba a muchas personas pobres y enfermas. Una historia dice que ayudó a tres niñas pobres de ser vendidas como esclavas por regalar sus dotes para que pudieran estar casadas. Hoy en día, Santa Claus se dice que visite a todos los niños buenos en la noche de Navidad para darles regalos. Santa monta un trineo tirado por renos que vuelan.
Match the words – Empareja las palabras
Legend (le-gend)

Wealthy (wal-thii)

Slavery (sle-ber-i)

Dowry (dow-ri)

Gifts (gefts)

Sleigh (slee)

Reindeer (reen-dir)

Regalos (reh-gah-los)

Trineo (tree-nay-o)

Renos (ray-nos)

Rico (ree-co)

Dotes (doe-tays)

Leyenda (lay-en-da)

Esclavas (eh-scla-vas)

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Sometimes it’s nice to put in text just to get an idea of how text will fill in a space on your website.

Traditionally our industry has used Lorem Ipsum, which is placeholder text written in Latin. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with Lorem Ipsum and that can lead to confusion. I can’t tell you how many times clients have asked me why their website is in another language!

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If you’re curious, this is Website Ipsum. It was specifically developed for the use on development websites. Other than being less confusing than other Ipsum’s, Website Ipsum is also formatted in patterns more similar to how real copy is formatted on the web today.

Dawn Adolfson

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