Making a Difference – Summer Allen

Making a Difference – Summer Allen

Summer is no ordinary 16 year old.  As a matter of fact, in addition to the normal “work” of being a High School student and all that entails, she is also the Director of a not for profit charity organization called Destin Nation Mission (DNM).  The organization collects toiletries and sends them to 11 towns in Central Appalachia in Kentucky.  The Appalachian Mountains regions is one of the most impoverished parts of the United States.  The items are then distributed to 11 towns for the neediest among them.

SUMMERALLEN1DNM was started 2 years ago by Summer’s family after they visited that area and saw how the teenagers and their families were depressed and felt worthless about their living conditions.

Since it started, the support they provide has grown to serve over 800 families.

The items they provide include:  toiletries, cleaners, detergents, daily medical supplies, and some cosmetics (make-up, nail care items, hair dryers, etc.)

On a recent visit, they visited two Children’s Homes and donated board games, art supplies, books, and brought their music equipment to enjoy Line Dancing with them.  “Some of the teens shared their stories and it was a very humbling experience for all of us” said Summer.

The collection of the items they deliver is a year round effort.  Under the leadership of Summer, the organization reaches out to local resorts and hotels to save and donate their unused, unfinished and unclaimed toiletries and hair care items.   Additionally, collection boxes are placed in locations such as Lenny’s Sub Shops and Walgreens.  Companies like Walmart, San Destin Resort, and Ocean Reef also support their efforts.

After going over there for the first time with her church group, Summer and her family realized that many people in the United States are generous and help millions of people in other countries, but that there are a lot of destitute people right here in the US that need just as much help.  That is why they decided to help the people of Appalachia.

Summer’s hope and prayer is that DNM will become a huge nationwide program one day.  She hopes to partner with a national chain that will help her organization continue to help the neediest people in America.

This year, DNM began a project to teach the people of Appalachia they serve to sew and make hand carved and hand-made decorations they sell in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  The objective is to “help them to help themselves”

Summer has received several awards for her efforts with DNM including the President’s Gold Volunteer Service Award in 2014, she was also recognized and named a top winner in the 2014 and 2015 Kohl’s Cares® Scholarship Program for Community Service and in Action Volunteer Programs.

For more information, see contact info at end of Spanish version of this article!

You can also find them in Facebook.

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David Triana

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