Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s Ear

By Marcos Otero
Spring is here and everyone enjoys going to the beach or the pool. The fun can quickly turn painful because of a swimmer’s ear. When your ear is exposed to excess moisture, water can remain trapped in your ear canal. The skin inside becomes soggy, diluting the acidity that normally prevents infection. A cut in the lining of the ear canal also can allow bacteria to penetrate the skin. When this happens, bacteria and fungi from contaminated water or from objects placed in the ear can grow and cause a condition called swimmer’s ear (acute otitis externa).
Symptoms of swimmer’s ear usually appear within a few days of exposure to contaminated water, and may include: severe pain on moving your outer, pain or discomfort in or around your ear. Usually only one ear is involved. Itching of your outer ear. Swelling in your ear or lymph nodes in your neck. Feeling of fullness or stuffiness in your ear. Hearing loss.
Swimmer’s ear is common in children and in young adults. You may be at increased risk of infection if a skin condition such as eczema causes you to scratch your ears excessively. Earwax buildup also may increase your risk by trapping water in your ear and increasing the likelihood that you’ll cut the skin while cleaning your ear.
Make an appointment with your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your ear or drainage from your ear. Swimmer’s ear usually isn’t serious, but complications can occur if it isn’t treated. Complications may include: hearing loss and recurrent outer ear infections (chronic otitis externa).
The goal of treating swimmer’s ear is to clear up the infection. Treatment may include: cleaning, eardrops and or oral medications.
To avoid swimmer’s ear: dry your ears thoroughly after exposure to moisture from swimming or bathing. Never insert your finger or any other object into your ear. Avoid swimming in polluted water. Use earplugs designed specifically to keep water out of your ears when swimming. Mix 1 part white vinegar with 1 part alcohol to make an effective eardrop to use before and after swimming. Pour 1 teaspoon of the solution into each ear and let it drain back out. This mixture may help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi that can cause swimmer’s ear.

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Marcos Otero

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