Unequally yoked

Unequally yoked


Pastor Gabriel Vargas www.misioncasa.org

On Friday June 26, the US Supreme Court declared unconstitutional the laws banning gay marriage, legalized same-sex unions.

“Love is love, regardless of who feels it and who receives it” said the Chilean writer Jose Ignacio ‘Chascas’ Valenzuela in his tweter account.

This appreciation is not new, since the days of creation, there have been two dominant realms of the human race, without any kind of relationship and nothing in common. The Bible describes them as “unequally yoked”.

At one end is the kingdom of Satan who rules over this world, this is characterized by its adherents who live their lives according to their natural instincts and give free rein to a darkened heart, which has no fear God and submit to him, besides it’s sole purpose in life is to do what they please and seek a so-called happiness.

The apostle Paul said when he was discussing the resurrection in corintho “If the dead are not raised, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die” (1 Corinthians 15:32) If God does not judge the world, then you may legalize Polygamy, and incidentally other forms of unconventional relationships.

On the other side, is the Kingdom of God and His righteousness? It is a particular and separate society within the larger society. Formed by a group of people called the Church, members of Christ’s body, the difference between realms is the awe of God. Every kingdom has a king who is the supreme ruler. Dear readers. (Who rules your life? Your natural instinct “SELF” or Christ your maker).

Christians start from the premise that God is the Creator of the universe and that He has revealed Himself through the Bible. And therefore presents homosexuality as sin. In Romans 1: 26-27 Paul defines homosexuality as a shameful and unnatural passion; and 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11 states that those who practice homosexuality “not inherit the kingdom of God.”
Christians do not hate homosexuals, nor do we believe that sin is the only one that men should repent for. The Bible defines sin as the transgression of the moral law of God and proclaims that every transgressor needs to be saved by the grace of God in Jesus Christ “

Pastor Gabriel Vargas www.misioncasa.org

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      Gabriel Vargas

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